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Over the years the firm has produced some remarkable results for its clients.


Among them:


Prevailing in disputes over boundary lines: Slade v. Finn 1986 CarswellOnt
285 (C.A.); Conner v. Andrews 1990 CarswellOnt 2026 (Gen. Div.); Mason v.Morrow 1998 CarswellOnt 2753 (C.A.).


Changing the face of the Gananoque waterfront by eliminating some 50 privately-owned boathouses and making room for the modern marina:

Bovey v. Gananoque 1992 CarswellOnt 1003 (S.C.C.).


Forcing a sale at the request of only one common owner: Fellows v.Lunkenheimer 1998 CarswellOnt 4622 (Gen. Div.).


Getting a pension for a widow after resistance through a trial and two appeals:
Smith v. Casco Inc. 2011 CarswellIOnt 2656 (C.A.).


Prevailing for a small contractor who made a $28,000 claim and was met by a denial and a $141,000 counterclaim: Allingham v. Perrault 2018 CarswellOnt 185 (C.A.).


Obtaining permission to build a permanent home on an undersized waterfront lot of record: Dodds v. Leeds and the Thousand

Islands 2018 CarswellOnt 17777 (L.P.A.T.).


280 King Street East

Gananoque Ontario 

K7G 1G5


To set up your private and confidential appointment with one of Clarke & Wright’s lawyers,

call Paula at 613-382-2112. 

You can also reach Paula by fax or email.

Telephone - 613-382-2112

Fax - 613-382-8107


If you choose to communicate with our firm via email, please note this does not create a lawyer-client relationship with our firm without the express consent of Clarke & Wright Professional Corporation. Communication with our firm using the internet or email may not be secure and confidentiality is not guaranteed.





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