Over the years the firm has produced some remarkable results for its clients.
Among them:
Prevailing in disputes over boundary lines: Slade v. Finn 1986 CarswellOnt
285 (C.A.); Conner v. Andrews 1990 CarswellOnt 2026 (Gen. Div.); Mason v.Morrow 1998 CarswellOnt 2753 (C.A.).
Changing the face of the Gananoque waterfront by eliminating some 50 privately-owned boathouses and making room for the modern marina:
Bovey v. Gananoque 1992 CarswellOnt 1003 (S.C.C.).
Forcing a sale at the request of only one common owner: Fellows v.Lunkenheimer 1998 CarswellOnt 4622 (Gen. Div.).
Getting a pension for a widow after resistance through a trial and two appeals:
Smith v. Casco Inc. 2011 CarswellIOnt 2656 (C.A.).
Prevailing for a small contractor who made a $28,000 claim and was met by a denial and a $141,000 counterclaim: Allingham v. Perrault 2018 CarswellOnt 185 (C.A.).
Obtaining permission to build a permanent home on an undersized waterfront lot of record: Dodds v. Leeds and the Thousand
Islands 2018 CarswellOnt 17777 (L.P.A.T.).